
Place Your Order for pick up (CHANGES AS OF AUGUST 2022)

  1. We place the seafood order with Hawaii every Monday by 5:00 p.m. CST. If you miss the order deadline, please contact us to see if we have extra fish for the week 

  2. The order will arrive by Wednesday night and pick ups will begin Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Deliveries are typically Saturday unless pre-arranged.

  3. We will contact you via email or text to confirm the pickup date and times depending on the manifest. We can make special arrangements if the date/time doesn’t work for you. 

  4. Our standard pickup location is near the Fairgrounds at 370 Herron Dr. Suite 5 at MEEL. Other pick up location available weekly is Mount Juliet or Smokin Oaks Butcher at 2116 8th Ave S in Nashville on Saturdays

    All other surrounding areas ie East Nashville, Green Hills, Belle Meade, Cool Springs, Madison, Hendersonville, Gallatin will delivered by a third party.

  5. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

Please call us at (615) 609-3468, if you have any questions before ordering, or need other arrangements. Catering and Special Orders available upon request